The show was at the Pres House, which looked like a
mix of a small church and a large conference room.
There were no chairs; everyone sat on the carpeted
floor. Sold out by the way, so it was full. The opener
was Chris Lee, who was one man whose songs sounded
like Jeff Buckley with rougher edges on his voice. His
ongs were o.k., but had a sameness to them.
Low opened with "Lordy," which to me was a pleasant
suprise. The second song was "Sunflower," I believe,
and from here my memory is lost as to the setlist.
They also played standards "Two-Step," "Starfire,"
"The Plan," "Over the Ocean." In the middle, Alan said
they'd play some new songs, and went on to play (as I
remember them) "Canada," "Amazing Grace," and another
where he says something about "more tests," and
"kissing your forehead," which was a really cool song
with a big build up at the end. I think Zak used the
e-bow and fuzz pedal on it like he does on "In Metal."
"John Prine" was also in with those songs. Later
someone requested "Venus," to which Al rplied "Your
wish is our command." The last song was "In Metal,"
which was amazing. I'm sure I'm missing some other
Al went to stage left, and Mimi & Zak went stage
right for the encore, there was a door on Mimi & Zak's
side, but not Al's, so he uncomfortably just sat on
the floor next to a audience member. The first song
requested was "Dinosaur Act." "Lion/Lamb," "Last night
I Dreamt...," were in there, but now that I think of
it, I'm probably mixing the some of the encore with
the first set, sorry. The overall mood of the show was
somber, maybe they were tired, but an excellent show
none the less.
This was my first Low concert, so it was well worth
it either way. I also got to talk to Al (and purchase a
shirt), which was nice. I asked if they would be
recording with Steve Albini again, he said no, and
added they were recording at home and would do some
mixing in England "with a friend." He was much
friendlier and talkative than I imagined, given the
mood of the show and that there were probably 50 or
more people behind me waiting to buy something. A
great first live experience.
Jesse Hoheisel
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