Well I saw Low today at Bumbershoot in Seattle. They played in an opera
hall, so the acoustics were great and the crowd was exceptionally quiet.
The instrument set-up is the same as the last tour. Vocals were mixed
rather higher than normal, no complaints there. [ed note: Most quotes are
likely paraphrased]
Down By the River
Odd to start a show with that song but a welcome surprise.
song I'm embarrassed to not recognize, maybe new? Chorus has a line about
a man on his back counting stars.
Zak actually walked past the monitors to the front of the stage to bask
in a pool of light. It was almost Peter Hookian (I apologize for making
up such a stupid word). Also, his shirt kind of matched his bass. So that
was wierd.
Then an impatient fan calls for Hey Chicago, after the third song! It
went like this:
Impatient fan: Hey Chicago!
Zak: What?
Alan: It's strange how the ones people ask for don't have many words.
Maybe that should tell us something. More songs with one line repeated.
Dinosaur Act
Apparently, the correct dance to this song is big arm circles as done by
the small girl in the front row. The distortion at the height of this
song was really growl-ly. Nice.
John Prine
Killer version. Prickles down the spine. Sha-la-la-la-la.
New song starting with "When we were young".
Alan played the 12string Dano, quick strumming. Rather brisk in tempo and
length. Yummy!
Alan: Repeated a line in that one. My songwriting friends tell me that's called a hook.
Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
Been waiting to hear this. The single will be out in another month.
Alan: Our daughter is backstage being very good.
Audience: Bring her out! We want to meet her.
Mimi: Then she won't go away.
Alan: We're not going to whore her out that way. When she gets older, if she wants that, we'll support her in whoring herself out.
Since I met him, I always picture Scott now. Hi Scott!
Audience member: Tomorrow One
Alan: Uh, no. Sorry.
Audience member: Stars Gone Out
Zak (chokes off a laugh): How about the next one on the list?
Alan: We're going with the list (applause). Let's hear it again for sticking to the list (applause).
I Remember
Alan says this song is about remembering.
Hey Chicago
After the song is over, there is more shouting of requests. Dancing girl from above puts in her request.
Alan: What was that? I think someone said Stinkybutt.
Repeated calls for In Metal.
In Metal
Near the end, Hollis toddles out on stage with a cookie for Mommy. The nanny comes out for her and carries her back offstage.
Mimi: Now she's going to cry.
Hollis cries and is allowed to rejoin the band. There is much joy and cooing from the audience.
Alan: Shameless. It's like we brought out puppies.
With Hollis on vocal exclamations. Then Hollis toddles over to Zak and looks up at him with the sweetest smile on her face. Just precious.
More audience requests including Take the Money and Run. Alan begins playing it, Mimi gives him a look and mouths something like, "Don't you dare."
Stars Gone Out
Alan forgets the words but Mimi is there to help. Hollis runs over to Zak at the end and be crouches down so she can play the last note.
Unsatisfied with her contributions thus far, she goes after the drums. On Mom's lap, she solos for a bit.
Alan: Please don't turn us in to Washington child safety people. Normally she's in bed with someone back at the hotel.
Audience (and Mimi) laugh.
Alan (exasperated): C'mon. You are sick people.
Audience (and Mimi) laugh more.
Overall, it was a great show. Not the best I've seen in terms of performance of songs, but Hollis Mae is quite the entertainer. Despite looking out at the audience several times, to her it was just Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Zak practicing at home.
Let me also say that it was nice to meet Scott and Chad from this list.
After, a couple years I think, it's nice to put faces to names.
your humble servant,
- st. denis
that was me who requested tomorrow one and stars gone
out. alan was ready to play tomorrow one but mim vetoed
it. stars gone out made for a nice consolation.
they did play two new songs. according to alan, the first
one is nameless but he calls it 'a small argument with
myself.' i quite enjoyed that one. the other one is called
'the last snowstorm,' or, perhaps, 'the last snowstorm of
the year.' i don't remember which. it was probably the
poppiest song i've ever heard them do. i don't know how
i feel about it, exactly. but i quite liked the first new song
they played.
i guess there's nothing more for me to add to st. denis'
thorough review (it was great to meet you, btw :).
expect some east coast dates this fall.
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